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Mental Health

Feeling SAD?

If you live in the Pacific Northwest then you know that we don’t get year-round sunshine.  Instead, we get a fair amount of rain and gloomy skies.  For some people, this type of weather can negatively impact their mental health.  It makes them… SAD. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a

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Mental Health

The Importance of Solution-Based Group Therapy Sessions

 Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy that involves one or more therapists working with several people at the same time. Solution-based group therapy, in particular, focuses on presenting specific problems to the group and having members collaboratively consider and propose solutions.  This approach leverages the collective wisdom and experiences of

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Mental Health

Preparing Your Mind for Decision-Making

Making decisions can be daunting, but with the right mental preparation, it becomes a powerful process of growth and clarity. Drawing from literature, here are key strategies to ready your mind for making well-informed decisions: Cultivate Mindfulness: According to research, mindfulness practices such as meditation can enhance focus and reduce

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The Interplay Between Sleep and Depression: A Clinical Perspective

Abstract Depression, a pervasive mental health condition, often intertwines with sleep disturbances, creating a complex bidirectional relationship. This article explores the hypothesis that sleep deprivation is a primary root cause of depression, drawing on clinical experiences and existing research to elucidate the critical role of sleep in mental health. Introduction

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Mental Health

The early signs of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a complex and severe mental disorder that can manifest in various ways. Early signs and symptoms can be subtle and may differ from person to person. Some common early signs of schizophrenia include: 1. **Changes in Behavior**: Sudden or noticeable changes in behavior, such as becoming withdrawn, socially

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How to find the right psychiatrist for you

Finding the right psychiatrist who is a good fit for you involves several steps: 1. **Research**: Start by researching psychiatrists in your area. You can use online directories, such as Psychology Today or Zocdoc, or ask for recommendations from your primary care physician, friends, or family members. Look for psychiatrists

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